Monday 28 November 2011

How to structure a response

Ao1: argument (25makrs)
Ao2: examples (25makrs)
45minutes to produce a response

Introduction: briefly express your opinion
                    Identify your film institution

Main: US v UK- link to my opinions
          Disney v movment, flim 4
          Tron         Moon, Kickass
          Toy story
4 quadrants:
pre production
distrubtion ( wide release)
exchange (how i can buy or watch)
Conclusion: what does the future hold?
technology becomes cheaper
watch at home on the move

- i agree with the statment given
- they can afford all special effects and big famous names which brings in a lot of money for the company
- they can buy all screenings that are available and mercendise that they need to make the film bigger

- Toy story 3 budget was $200,000,000
- the production cost $30,000
- the totoal gross of the film was $415,004,880
- they got paid all together $15,000,000
- prints and advertising, mercendise where $35,000,000
- the director of the film was Lee Unkrich, and the producer was Darla K. Anderson
- diseny bourght pixar for the film
- it made $1,063,171,911 worldwide
- released in eurpoe 6 days earlier than noth america
Compare the budget between the two films which is linked to where they are made as hollywood has a bigger selling audience than the UK. He directed all the toy storys, monsters ink and finding nemo and the producer of this film also did monsters ink, cars and bugs life which were big grossing films for younger children. show the mercendise and how much of a difference they made to the over all cost.
- Moons budget was $5million
- the mercendise cost less than $10
- it was done all on green screens in one place to save money
- there was one actor in the film and they used the split screen but never saw them together as it cost more to do so
- directed by Duncan jones, produced by Trudie Snyder
- they put the voice for the robot on at the last minute to see what the film was like
- specail effects were made on a small budget
- moon took $1,813,302 in the UK for a total of $9,747,108 at the box office and worldwide came to $4,736,945
- it earned $9.5M worldwide
He directed moon and source code which are similar films but he uses bigger names for source code, but it set in one place to save money. She produced Snatch and Lock Stock, She also owned Liberty Films Production Company. they watched the film first then put the sound track on.
- Trons budget was $17million
- invested $170million in Torn
- box office disappointment taken $33million
-directed by Joseph Kosinski and produced by Steven Lisberger
- they pulled out all the stops on the marketing to get money back
23 minute preview screened on IMAX theatres over the world.
- they also put it in 3D to make more money
- they used many different special effects for the film and places to film
- their were a few big name characters which makes money for the film too
He directed tron legacy and horizon which are all about big special effects and making them as an actor stand out. He produced all the trons which shows he is a big fan on making specail effects and bettering a film. compare costs of the films and the budget.
- Kick Ass budget was $30million
- took $350m at the box office as the starred Angelina Jolie
-directed by Matthew Vaughn, who co-produced the film with actor Brad Pitt
14 weeks and 14hours everyday for casting, drafting the script, the sets, the costumes and the filming.
made $37million world-wide by the us opening weekend 
writer Mark Millar who was the directer
- they had to make the story a comic first to see how it would do then made it into the film
He directed x-men: first class and stardust. He produced the time traverls wife and the departed which have big actors in them and are both hollywood films and uk films he works with.

the hollywood films are the biggest selling company ever from the makers like disney, pixar, warner brothers and theres a few others. talk about what i think will happen to the film industry later on in life, and what i think about hollywood films and uk films and there similarities and difference's.

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