Sunday, 18 September 2011


I have learnt from the director Wes Anderson that he likes to use natural colours in his films and doesn't like to pick to far out there colours, he also uses the camera shot 'symmetrical shot' a lot in his films. He uses the actors Billy Murry and Owen frequently in his films, and says he thinks the people who watch his films are outsiders. I couldn't say I have ever seen one of Wes Anderson's films and ever thought of seeing one they aren't my sort of style.

I have learnt from the director Shylon that one of his band members died Gideon Bavs of viral myocraditis, and that they formed in 1994. He focus's on animation not using any real actors/actresses. He made music videos for cold play and blur. I have watched the film Scott Pilgrim and the music they did to the film was amazing its a different beat to anything else and crabs your attention.

I have learnt from the director Spike Jonze his primary audience are teenagers. The style he uses in his films are using stunts a lot when not really necessarily needed, as seen in jackass one of the films he made and is renowned. His films are different by how wild, creative and unreal they are. I have watched the film jackass and really enjoyed it but his style isn't for everyone.
I have learnt from the director Anton Corbijn the his trademarks are washed otu colours that make old things look new, he also uses a lot of abstract and weird features in his films. He produced the music video for the killers and produced the film the american. He did photographed the rolling stones for a magazine. I havent seen much of his work but his music videos stand out to me as he uses old fashion clothes and style but it works well for him.

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