Wednesday 26 October 2011

Kick Ass

The main characters featured in Kick Ass were Aaron Johnson, Nicolas Cage, Christopher Mintz-Plasses and Mark Strong, it was directed by Matthew Vaughn and the film was releases on April 16 2010, the generation of the film is 1hour and 53minutes long.

This film is a superhero comedy film which is based on the comic of Marvel Comic's the chief writer Mark Millar who was the executive directer to the film 'Wanted' which starred Angelina Jolie and took $350m at the box office because she was starred as she is a big actresses. There was a lot of hard work put into the film Kick Ass as it took 14 weeks and 14hours everyday for casting, drafting the script, the sets, the costumes and the filming. There was a massive different between the movie Kick Ass and the comic book Kick Ass, in the film its a happy ending as he gets the girl after telling her everything but in the the comic when he tells her she wants nothing to do with him and tells him to 'fuck off'.

A lot of the scenes in the film are not what they seem and catch your eye which convinces you its realistic. They used hugged green screens for the fighting scenes which caused a lot of trouble on set at Elstree studios. Special effects like motion tools which were used so you could track the background and features called speactramatte which allows to you change the keys with such fine detail, which makes it so realistic. He trys to get the highest quilty of sound so they dont have to do it again and so it will sound the same for next time. It was inportant they got a interesting soundscape to cut through out the film. The wide-range sounds track was also a changelle to keep consistency mainting the material through a range from elvis to prodigy.

The film was given a R-rating which wasnt good when the film was amied at 14year old boys but some how after realsing the tralier for the movie it got everyones attention, also by marketing Kick Ass as posters like all films do and indivigual ones of the characters which were realsed to allow the audience to get to know each hero and what their like. The film in the end made $37million world-wide by the us opening weekend they did which made its budget back straight away. The film did well but not as well as some people thought it would do, as they didnt make any extra money on top of the budget.

The music used in the film was composed by John Murphy, Henry Jackman, Marius De Vreid and Iian Eshkeri, but Murphy's music stands out the most as it sounds from his two films '28 days later' and 'Sunshine'. Using the same music again doesnt always get everyones attention but his choice was relatively obscure and a nice treat for movie buff. They used it at the early stages in the making of the film as it was a temporary measure. It is hard to use some music as it might not fit in well with the scene thats why he used re-use music as it fitted better.

Narrated by Dave Lizewski, this story is about himself as a New York teenager and buying a costume and dressing up as a hero as he wants to be noticed and fight crime. At the begining there is nothing special about him he is an average person wanting to be a hero and help average people like himself make it safer on the streets, he makes a name for himself 'Kick Ass' and slowly becomes a big hit with the public. Before he even became a super hero and well known there were two other hero's called Big Daddy and Hit Girl who are played by  Nicolas Cage and Chloe Mortez who are a father and daughter fighting crime and trying to work their selfs up to kill Frank D'Amico as he played a part in killing Big Daddys wife whilst he was in prison for something Frank D'Amico did. Franks son Chris becomes a part of the hero's 'Red Mist' as he wants to part of his dads company and get involved but he doesnt understand the actually reason he is wanting to kill these hero's, but when it is shown in front of the whole nation the final show down of Kick Ass.

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