Wednesday 26 October 2011


The script and development of the film spiderman came up to $10million, 5% of it was the script. Davide Koepp got an eghit figure on payday from making of the film. There were 4 fresh writers that also helped, including Pulitz er prize winning novelist Micheal Chabon. The licening cost $20million, Marvel owns the spiderman characters and since 1999 there has been bickering and the price has been going up even further. The co-creater Stan Lee got paid £1million but Lee has threatened to sue for the share of profits from licening.

Every week the producer and director are paid the traditional wage for the lenght of  the shoots. Its called 'above the line' costs that there admited to pay before they start rolling. Producers get $15million spiderman 2 had one co-prodcuer and three executive producers. The director gets $10million, directors are usually brought on after the casting and if the audience dislike the scene the director has to cut or reshoot parts. The chairwomen hirred evil dead director Sam Raini, who wasnt well know to keep costs down.

Cast cost $30million Tobey Maguire landed the title and got $4million which changed to $17million for the sequal. Kirstin Dunst was paid $5-$6million for spiderman 2. Alfred Molina would be paid in the region of $1million, the rest of the cast would get about $3million. Agents and managers go home with 10-15% of their clients payday. Below the line cost $45million is the physical production including crew fees. photographying took up to 3 weeks relocating to get the right shoots.

Special effects cost $65million and music cost $5million, effects is one of the big blockbusters spenders and is growing fast, but music is no more than 2% of their budget and Danny Elfman composed the music and got a fee of near $2million. Prints and advertising came up to $75million, advertising costs are not actually included in the production budget, spending $200million on making the film even more money will be spent on marketing it.

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